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Dear Health Care for America Now Supporters,
After a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for progressives to run a grassroots-powered, $60 million successful push for health reform, HCAN brought its five-and-a-half year campaign to a close at the end of 2013.
We want to thank all of HCAN’s partner organizations, allies and activists who led the fight to pass and implement the Affordable Care Act. Hundreds of thousands of people like you demonstrated the grassroots support needed to end the insurance industry’s stranglehold on our health care.
You sent hundreds of thousands of letters to your senators and representatives, gathered millions of petition signatures telling them to do the right thing, and made a remarkable number of phone calls to Capitol Hill. Without you, our coalition wouldn’t have won the biggest expansion of access health care in the last half century.
You did this. Your actions made this possible. You told Congress that America needed health care reform now. Thanks to you, we got it.
As we end our campaign, online enrollment is back on track and millions are signing up for quality, affordable health care – many for the first time. There is still work to be done, and we need to keep fighting. We don’t imagine that Republicans and the tea party are going to stop attacking the law any time soon. We hope you will remain involved in the fight to support health care reform and build a strong middle class.
Best Wishes,
Ethan Rome
Health Care for America Now Executive Director
Health Care for America Now Executive Director
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